2025 Season Registration Information
Please read this message carefully as it will guide you through the process for registering your child and purchasing uniforms.
Players in 1st - 8th grades should register for the “2025 Spring Lacrosse Season.” For kindergartners or younger, please sign up for “2025 Tots’ Lacrosse.”
Girl's and Boy's Registration Costs/Payment Due at Registration
- For Newburyport Youth Lacrosse Association, the registration cost for the 2025 season is $180.
- Mass Youth Lacrosse requires every player to pay insurance to participate in the league; the cost is $45.
Eligible Participants of Newburyport Youth Lacrosse
Registration is open to players that are residents of Newburyport.
Non-Residents who Attend School in Newburyport Must Obtain a MYL Waiver Approval
Due to new MYL rules, non-residents who attend school in Newburyport must have a waiver submitted to the MYL for approval to play for Newburyport. Please email info@newburyportyouthlacrosse.com to inquire about having a waiver submitted on a player’s behalf. The deadline for the NYLA to submit a request for a waiver to MYL is January 10, 2025.
Non-Residents Who Do Not Attend a Newburyport School Are Not Eligible Participants
Due to MYL rules, we are prohibited from registering players that are residents of towns with their own programs. For residents of Amesbury, Newbury, West Newbury, Rowley, and Salisbury who do not attend Newburyport schools, please inquire with the youth lax program for your town (i.e., Triton or Pentucket).
Full Uniform Cost is $65 plus shipping and tax. Last year, the feedback was that many players felt the uniforms ran small, so it is recommended that you consider sizing up. All players jersey numbers are assigned only by the NYLA to avoid duplication.
This year, Lax.com will handle uniform orders for NYLA. The initial store closed on December 20, 2023. The second uniform store is open until January 21, 2025 at Newburyport Youth Lacrosse Uniform Store. Uniforms ordered after the the December 20th store may not arrive in time for the start of the season.
- Returning players are not required to purchase a new uniform for this year.
- If returning players are ordering a replacement jersey, please also enter the uniform number assigned from last year into the appropriate field in the Lax.com store.
- New players will be assigned a uniform number by NYLA. If prompted to enter a jersey number in the Lax.com store, enter 0 as a placeholder.
- Tots players do not need to purchase a uniform
Boys and Girls Grades 3-8 Winter Clinics
The NYLA will once again hold winter clinics, but this year we will be moving to the new Maples Crossing in Amesbury on Tuesday nights for Boys and Girls in Grades 3 through 8 on the following Dates: Tuesday from 6-7pm on January 7th-Feb 25th (skipping February vacation week).
The cost will be $125. You may register at the following: newburyportyouthlacrosse.com under Registration Step 2.2-Select Season where there is dropdown options for 2025 Winter Clinic at with distinct choices for Girls and Boys. Further details on the costs and the specific offerings of the boys and girls clinics is also found there.
Note: All players who participate in the winter clinics must be properly covered by 2025 MYL Insurance, which is a separate $45 fee that MYL receives payment for. No exceptions may be granted. This can be paid as part of the season registration or the NYLA will send notice to any player who registered for the winter clinic and has not paid a $45 insurance fee.
URL - https://newburyport.demosphere-secure.com/_registration
If you have not registered a household (family) and player in a previous year complete Steps 1 and 2 below. Otherwise, skip to Step 1.3.
Step 1 - Register your household.
Step 2 - Register your player > create new player.
Go to Step 2.2 Select Season and follow steps below.
If Player/Participant is previously registered, please follow these steps.
Step 1.3 Select Order Item Register a Participant/Player.
Step 2.1 Identify Participant>Select Household Member to Register (Player Name)> Enter Player’s Jersey Number from Last Year Under Additional Information
Step 2.2 Select Season>Newburyport Youth Lacrosse-2025 Spring Lacrosse Season>Choose Players Program by Current School Grade
Step 2.3 Additional Information>Select Existing Members (Parent 1/Parent 2) and Additional Emergency Contact from Dropdowns (Do not create new members if registered last year)
Step 2.4 Registration 2.4>Select School Grade, School Attending and Last Year’s Jersey Number.
Steps 2.5, 2.6 Enter Volunteer Information
Step 2.7 Review Registration
Step 2.8 Seasonal Waiver/Documents
· Complete Newburyport Youth Lacrosse Association waiver and accept.
· Complete MYL Waiver and Accept and Initial.
Step 3.1- Register and additional players or press continue to next step.
Step 4.1 Review Order and Cart Contents>Select Proceed to Checkout
Step 4.2 Make Payment>Enter Payment Information> Click on Submit Payment
Step 4.3 Order Confirmation
Demosphere App
Newburyport Youth Lacrosse Association (NYLA) and Massachusetts Youth Lacrosse (MYL) both use the Demosphere platform to manage the league. Registration for all players in your family is best handled in the Demosphere app. During the season, the Demosphere app will also be used for scheduling and to communicate between parents and coaches, so we recommend setting it up now (download for Apple iPhone or for Android).
Additional information may be found in the Demosphere app, or, on our website at www.newburyportyouthlacrosse.com.
For all registration or uniform questions or inquiries, please email info@newburyportyouthlacrosse.com. Please allow 72 hours for a response.
For any other questions, please reach out to any of the contacts below.
Thank you!
Newburyport Youth Lacrosse Association